Thursday, November 8, 2007

Things I Hate

1. Anything resembling an alarm clock.

2. The O.C. I find this drivel insulting to my intelligence as a Generation X-er.

3. Rap music. How anyone can make money off of a song with words like "do yo' chain hang low, do it wobble to and fro / Can you tie it in a knot / Is it platinum or gold" is completely out of my realm of understanding.

4. Traffic, and people who can't drive in it. I am not one of these people. (Please see Cousin Lu's blog for an informative and enlightening view of idiot drivers.)

5. Going to the dentist. Sorry, Dad, but it's true.

6. Having my boobs checked for lumps by a doctor who has all the finesse of Edward Scissorhands.

7. The buyer's remorse I have after any purchase, be it toilet paper or a car.

8. Plunging toilets.

9. The games of "Find the Feces" that my son loves to play when he whips off his Pull-Up before I can get to him to change it. The clean-up is so much fun.

10. Time Warner Cable's monopoly on every technological service that connects us to the outside world.

11. Duke basketball.

12. The fact that, as of today, gas is now $3.05. Which means I'll need to look into purchasing a rickshaw.

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