Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So I'm standing outside the other night by the side door of my house, smoking a cigarette. My porch light, despite having a light bulb purported to be invisible to bugs and therefore won't attract any, attracts bugs like a magnet, regardless of the season. Lately I've seen one or two of those gi-normous "garden" spiders that I was told by my very competent exterminator are "harmless". I'm sure you know what I'm talking about - those massive, striped freaks of nature that build those huge ropey webs that stretch literally six feet across. I feel like I need a spear and a machete and Kevlar body armor whenever I go outside. Since I don't have any of those things readily available I go outside armed with my broom.

Well, there's been one of those spiders hanging out right in the corner of the house next to the door where I smoke. A spider that looks like it crawled out of Chernobyl. Jay is outside with me on this particular night. I'm all Mission Impossible 4 trying to keep my eye on it so I'll know exactly where it is the whole time I'm out there. So I take my eyes off of it for one second because Jay is teasing me about my arachnophobia. Which, admittedly, I do have.

It was only for a second. A split second. And that was all it took. I look back up and that decroded piece of crap spider is gone. Vanished. And Jay is like, is this a problem for you that you can't see where he went?

This is a problem like herpes is a problem. Like climbing Mount Everest in a string bikini and stripper heels is a problem.

I still haven't found it. I'm so getting a machete.


Sarah Harris said...

"This is a problem like herpes is a problem."

I think I'll laugh about that all day!
xo sth

Rebecca said...

This is hilarious! Thanks for writing-- and reread Charlotte's Web when you get a chance, 'kay? Better yet, read it to your boys....

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

I tagged you. Now write! I miss you...

Brian Mandabach said...

I'm thinking of getting the Tolkien initial design inked on my arm--the one on the spine of the "corrected text" edition of The Lord of the Rings. Have you ever seen this on a tattoo?