Thursday, April 26, 2007

Things I Hate

1. Anything resembling an alarm clock.

2. The O.C. I find this drivel insulting to my intelligence as a Generation X-er.

3. Rap music. How anyone can make money off of a song with words like "do yo' chain hang low, do it wobble to and fro / Can you tie it in a knot / Is it platinum or gold" is completely out of my realm of understanding.

4. Traffic, and people who can't drive in it. I am not one of these people.

5. Going to the dentist. Sorry, Dad, but it's true.

6. Having my boobs checked for lumps by a doctor who has all the finesse of Edward Scissorhands.

7. The buyer's remorse I have after any purchase, be it toilet paper or a car.

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